How to track your pet

How to track your pet !

tracking pets by smartphone
Click here to buy it

To track your pets, you must have a smartphone and a SIM card. Your SIM card must have network connection. 

All what you have to do, is to connect your phone with the GPS who appears on the picture. (click on the link uder the picture to buy this GPS) or Click here

And after connecting your GPS with your smartphone, you can leave your dog or your cat wherever you want, because it will be located by the GPS and you can track it with your smartphone.
So this is a new way who will make our dailylife easy by protecting what we love and what make us happy.

On the other hand, there is another thing that i want to add it. It's about keeping kids under the eyes of parents, Because there is also a GPS for kids. But it doesn't have the same forme like pets, the only reason because it's for a human, but it works with the same way, connecting a smartphone with the GPS and you can see the location of your kid. This GPS for kids is destinated especially for those who takes their kids in the woods.

If you want to get also a GPS for kids, click here.

I try to be brief, so if need more informations about this topic, just leave a comment or contact us.

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